Two Weeks Since Cold Sores and Theyre Healed Then I See Redness Again


Delight depict your experience with canker simplex infections (cold sores, not-genital). Submit Your Annotate

Comment from: Jbraf, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: Oct 27

An ex gave me HSV-1. The tingles don't just happen on my face but all over my body. Usually I don't go blisters but get severe pain inside my abdomen. If I practice get sores information technology's unremarkably inside my lip or back of my throat. This is the first time where I had them in my lip, throat and i on my leg, of all places. I'm in extreme hurting and discomfort. I've had herpes simplex infection for nigh 5 years now. I take acyclovir, Advil and now a new topical.

Comment from: Bob, 45-54 Male person (Patient) Published: October 25

I, like many others, have had cold sores since early on childhood. Really atrocious outbreaks, multiple times a yr. On a few occasions they were so bad I had to take a whole calendar week off school or piece of work, looked that bad, and of course it was really painful. Information technology had a meaning impact on my life in so many ways. And of course the treatments, concoctions you lot read about online do non work. Valtrex is the only thing that worked, and I'll definitely live ingesting this chemic to forbid the awful outbreaks.

Comment from: NYC, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: Oct 20

I have gotten a common cold sore in the exact same spot on my lip 1-3 times/year for the past 12 plus years, always triggered by stress. So far, the quickest fashion for me to get rid of information technology is: Abreva v times/day, aspirin 400 mg one-3 times/day, Emergen-C (without vitamin D) 1/day, Fifty-lysine yard mg once/day (I would take more than simply the pills are huge), and utilise used black tea handbag for 15-20 minutes in one case/day. I used to take x days to go rid of, this takes 4 days. Good luck!

Comment from: Mama bear , 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: Oct 12

I didn't go a cold sore for 12 years, recently I got one and it'southward the worst I have ever had in my life. I am currently taking a lysine supplement besides as using Abreva cream that goes on my lips. I'm hoping that it clears upwards rapidly because information technology hurts and my lip is about three times the normal size.

Comment from: Nori, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: August 27

I have got my first oral herpes outbreak at the historic period of 34, at the cease of my menstruation period. It is different from cheilitis angularis which I had earlier for dental bacterial and fungal reasons. That was dry out and was in the oral cavity corners. This canker simplex infection is full of white and yellowish little blisters and overall, I feel sore throat, upset stomach and depression. I recall I take contracted it one calendar week at ago from a family member who gave me kisses, or from an infected cutlery.

Comment from: mer, 45-54 Female (Caregiver) Published: July 28

I had common cold sores for 15 days. I used all the ideas; tea, cold shrink, prescription oral medicine and cream. It would never scab. On the 15th day, my friend gave me a mouthwash (cheap make) and I used it v times a twenty-four hours. He said information technology would clean it out and heal it. It did heal information technology! Three days later on, they were gone, full 18 days.

Comment from: clarissa, 65-74 Female person (Patient) Published: May 19

This is what worked for me! I haven't had a canker simplex outbreak this bad in 25 years and I don't have whatsoever idea what triggered it... no sun exposure, no change in diet, no life altering events, etc. I mixed equal parts ocean salt and blistering soda (nigh 1/8 tsp) and added a few drops of iii percentage hydrogen peroxide to brand a paste. I 'painted' this on with a small brush. Intense called-for for a few minutes morphed into pain relief. I did this throughout the twenty-four hours, dried it upward and eased swelling in 2 days!

Annotate from: Yinzer212, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: November 03

I got a cold sore yesterday after I got home from getting a blood test for my thyroid. Just learned getting blood taken can weaken your immunity for a short period. Drinking a pop is what brought it out. So I iced it for 20 minutes, and applied Abreva, which has never really worked for me. This fourth dimension I applied a lot. I practical information technology 5 times and iced it 4 times. The Abreva seemed to make it worse. Next morning I iced it; gone a few hours later. Don't eat carbohydrate and don't go information technology wet.

Comment from: seisele, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: October 13

I accept been getting cold sores since age 8. A holistic neighbor lady told me to brown some white flour and put on the herpes sores in my oral cavity and on the cold sore, and it went away. I also employ massive doses of Fifty-lysine and Abreva (expensive).

Comment from: Loveisthegreatestgif, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: September 17

Similar most of u.s.a. here, I feel like I have been plagued by cold sores since childhood. Though as a child they only occurred in my olfactory organ, I picked them because I had no idea what they were and of course over fourth dimension they spread to my nose, mouth and chin. I hadn't had an outbreak in about a twelvemonth upwardly until the contempo mask-wearing, which I recollect dried out my skin. But I do retrieve that lack of alkaline metal water, certain vitamin deficiencies and foods fuel them. They are now having the biggest field trip on my lip.


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Comment from: LASWIFT25 , 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: September xv

I had a blister show upward on a Thursday night. I used undiluted tea tree oil and thousand mg lysine daily and the cold sore was gone by Lord's day. No nasty black scabbing, but flaked off subsequently it crusted over. Best of luck.

Comment from: Rachel, 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: September 03

I never had cold sores at all until I was 38 and I'one thousand not even sure how or where I contracted HSV1. Either way, the tiny blisters hurt and burn at the corner of my mouth when they first form. I know information technology's going to happen because I see them, and as well because when I open my mouth to yawn or eat; the corner of my oral cavity hurts a lot. 1 thing I plant that works better than Abreva at relieving hurting, making the blisters smaller and shrinking heal time from 14 days to 7 is ketchup. Yep! It's in your fridge.

Comment from: lee67, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: March 12

I never had common cold sores till my late 40s! I ever go the affair on my chin of all places; awful. It makes me feel ill and the matter swells up huge and makes my lymph nodes sore underneath my jaw. I retrieve perimenopause has brought these on; hormones fluctuating. I find it burns at first. I take L-lysine at beginning feeling and put on a blanket of prescribed Zovirax cream which really helps lessen it. Also soaking a cotton ball in water with a few drops of tea tree oil works actually well.

Comment from: Jkim , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: March 03

I am 25 and I remember I may be having my offset outbreak of common cold sores. I have had the tingle, itch, and burn down symptoms for 4 days at present. The crash-land has gotten noticeably bigger, swollen and red. It's also very tender (I've had blisters on my mitt and the tenderness is similar to that). Still, it doesn't look like a blister since there seems to be a head/signal (like a pimple). Wonder how long information technology usually takes for the blister to pop. I'm wondering if it's possible that it'south something else and non a cold sore.

Annotate from: Kelly , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: February 25

I get married in less than 2 weeks and take developed a big cold sore. I've got the cream and tried the old wives' tale about perfume to stop it getting bigger, only it is notwithstanding very tingly and sore.

Comment from: LightNZ, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: February 19

Recently I got my first common cold sore at 35, not sure how or from whom I got Information technology. My immunity was very depression, my menstrual cycle was finished and I had a chest infection prior. Usually I am healthy and haven't been sick in over a decade. The night before I had a burning tingling sensation. I had applied too much Lucas Papaw ointment on my lips and fell comatose. In the morning I woke to severely chapped skin on the lips that turned into a tiny white pus blister on my top lip. Doctor confirmed HSV 1. My aim is to strengthen my immune organization and prevent them.

Comment from: Julie S, xix-24 Male (Caregiver) Published: Jan sixteen

Canker simplex infections/cold sores are a viral infection of the pare that may occur once or return again and once more. A drug named acyclovir is efficient in healing herpes simplex. It must be taken by oral cavity. There is a cream form, which is a waste of money considering it only shortens an outbreak from xiv days to 12 to 13 days and it is expensive. Or consult with Board Certified Surgeon.

Annotate from: Yoopy, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: November xv

I got my first outbreak of common cold sores at 30, thank you to an extended family fellow member. It was awful; fever, chills, sores in my mouth and inside lip. Afterwards that I would get maybe one a year but information technology was on merely the inside of my lip but still very painful. Abreva, lysine, ice, none shortened the 7 to ten days it took to heal. Then I discovered ViraSoothe. Literally a miracle. Scroll information technology on a few times a day at first sign and the sores never even suspension open. Gone completely in iii days!

Annotate from: Michelle, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 28

I am 49 years old and I have had a common cold sore for almost a year. I have taken 3 months acyclovir and i.25 months of Valtrex but I can't get rid of this common cold sore. Information technology hurts and turns white past the terminate of the 24-hour interval.

Comment from: Mojog , 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: October 24

Herpes simplex infections are painful and somewhat embarrassing. I've had sores on my mouth since I was a teenager. Now at age 37 I have my start outbreak on and in my nose. Great! I manage it with acyclovir and Neosporin.


Ringworm is caused by a fungus. See Respond

Comment from: Kim, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: October 15

Trust me this works! I've been cold sore gratis for more than a twelvemonth. Dominion number 1, e'er carry paw sanitizer everywhere you go. Never be without it! Whenever you experience that tingly feeling, take hold of some tissue/cotton wool brawl and rub information technology on your lips. The paw sanitizer needs to be applied immediately afterwards you feel the tingly feeling. If yous don't rub it on fourth dimension y'all will become a common cold sore. No worries. Keep applying the manus sanitizer until information technology gets really dry. Sore will dry in 3 days.

Annotate from: Jessica, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October xiv

I accept suffered too much from common cold sores since babyhood. I'chiliad 35 and I actually came here to come across if information technology is normal to randomly terminate getting outbreaks. I have not taken whatsoever medication or lysine, or inverse nascence control methods. My stress levels have basically stayed the aforementioned, pretty loftier to regular. I used to take 3 to 7 outbreaks a yr. Some were small, some were large and lingering (the ones that heal and so prove upward on the other lip or other side correct equally the previous one disappears). Wonder if this happened to anyone else.

Comment from: Nobody , 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: October fourteen

I get about ten to fifteen herpes simplex outbreaks per year, sometimes more. They pop up with no alarm, past the time I experience the tingling my lip is already twice the normal size and covered in blisters; they sometimes appear in the space of 10 minutes. Acyclovir tablets aid a lot, my general doc is reluctant to put me on them permanently then I ordinarily get them prescribed privately. It costs a lot but at least taking them every twenty-four hours I can have a romantic and sex activity life, otherwise I'grand always besides scared to kiss or take oral sex.

Comment from: S brennan, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September 25

I get cold sores fortnightly and they are so deep I have scars around my rima oris. Zovirax does not halt or help the evolution of the sores. I'chiliad at the end of my tether.

Comment from: srun, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: September 05

The tingling begins and I get into triage/panic mode. I have had herpes simplex infections since babyhood. Cold sores tend to appear afterward exposure to the sunday, resistance downwardly, and stress. The virus shreds. Information technology's icky. The simplex virus i lays dormant in your cheek and comes downward from your nervus (explains the tingling). No cure. Even so, packing ice or tea numberless helps with the swelling and makes information technology announced a little less angry. Lysine is the best defense force. You tin can take orally or apply through a gel. Abreva dries them out.

Comment from: Ally, 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: August 27

I get a common cold sore a couple of times a twelvemonth. I get headaches, a stuffy nose, exhaustion, and a sore throat with it every single time. Lysine doesn't fully forestall them for me. I take information technology three times a day when I get a sore to assistance fight it off. Abreva does absolutely nothing for me. I swear by Herpatch. I order information technology online from overseas. It creates a bulwark so I can hibernate the sore safely with makeup.

Comment from: BactineLover, 35-44 Female (Caregiver) Published: August 07

My cold sore lives in the nerves of my top lip, on the correct. During the wintertime, break-outs tin can be worse and migrate towards my nose. Afterwards trying everything, I've found that Bactine, applied on a cotton ball and held in place (with constant sprays of Bactine to go along the cotton moist) works incredibly well. If applied equally soon every bit the tingle happens, it tin can foreclose it entirely. Usually though, it just reduces swelling and baking and prevents that oozy chaff that makes my life miserable.

Comment from: amschu , 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: July 31

I've been getting common cold sores since I was near 11 years old, before I even hit puberty. I've been told many times that you tin go cold sores and information technology not be connected to the herpes simplex virus. And I've been tested multiple times and zero has ever shown upwardly in my blood tests for STD screening. Then I don't empathise why all of a sudden now that I'k trying to do more research on it, it'due south merely telling me that it has to be HSV 1!

Comment from: Wondering, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July xxx

This is the second time in about three years I have a sore on my thigh. I was told it was due to stress. I guess information technology is herpes, but I oasis't had information technology anywhere on my genitalia. Then I thought well-nigh every blue moon I got a cold sore under my nose. I wonder if I should take had this HPV that's existence talked virtually.

Comment from: Ria, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July xi

The 1st sore from herpes simplex infections was angular cheilitis. No idea at showtime until I googled. In cold flavour I tend to lick my rima oris. I had a very dry out lip that day and I picked and removed dry layer of my lower lip in the corner. And so, the sore and scabbing happened next. It took 5 days. I did not take or apply medicines. The second i is same spot like the 1st. It was diagnosed every bit cold sores, due to stress, dominicus exposure and illness. Started as articulate blisters and popped, now information technology is crusting and scabbing. I am on prescribed antiviral medicines but no topical.

Comment from: Me, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 10

I'm 32, female, and just had my first herpes simplex outbreak. Initially I had this intense burning feeling like my lips were on fire, then followed with crazy dry out lip irritation. Ii days afterward my bottom left lip swelled up. And so I used lysine lip balm overnight which helped my lips, both the cold sore and dry lips. I went to the doctor and got some pills valacyclovir, and I waited for the cold sore. It never came, I merely got 3 little red dots merely they vanished after 3 days. I also used Blistex like a lip mask overnight for two nights.

Comment from: Castom92, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 19

I have been dealing with the HSV-1 underneath my eyes for the by two months. I accept been on daily Valtrex, I am taking L-lysine twice a 24-hour interval and my optometrist gave me a prescription for Zirgan, an ointment I put on every 3 hours. The blisters will still not fully go away. I accept precautions when going outside in the dominicus and I keep my stress as low equally possible, only I am feeling so defeated and I don't know what to do. I am scared to death I might pass this canker simplex infection on to someone else, particularly my kids.

Comment from: Five, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: December 18

I am xxx and I have been getting common cold sores since I was a picayune kid. Only most in one case a yr when I would get a bad common cold or go to the dentist. As of a year ago I take been getting them every 2 weeks even on 2 1000 daily Valtrex. I have tried lysine, changed my nutrition, quit my job for a few months, do, vitamins, and every possible lip cream. I am very self-witting and feeling defeated. The doctors have done blood tests and nix seems to exist out of the ordinary. I am feeling hopeless.

Comment from: Macygrl, 55-64 Female person (Caregiver) Published: August 09

I lay out in the dominicus, got a huge cicatrice on bottom lip, which then continued into cold sore. I was trying many remedies for herpes simplex infection that merely did not work. My problem is that you could never keep the cold sore dry; it was e'er sticky and would never e'er heal! Well good news is my new found remedy. Get some tissue, wet information technology and put a lilliputian antibacterial soap on it and gently rub information technology on the sore, get all the pasty stickiness off of it, then rinse well with warm water. Pat dry gently until very dry. Now hither we go. Get Coppertone Water babies waterproof sunscreen and put a thin glaze on and let dry. And then add a 2nd coat generously and let dry. Put on the sun screen and pat it with a tissue 3 times a 24-hour interval. By the end of the 24-hour interval your cold sore volition feel better, look better and be almost all gone. No Kidding! It is that you need to keep it dry out and waterproof sunscreen does that for you lot! I don't know about anyone else but cold Sores are then embarrassing. I am and then glad I used my noggin on this one!

Comment from: Matt, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: Baronial 09

I'g surprised I oasis't seen this nonetheless. L-lysine is the miracle vitamin! I have had cold sores since I hit puberty in my teens. I don't know how or where I got them from, but it definitely wasn't transmitted sexually. I think somebody may have kissed me as a little male child or I must take drunk something afterwards somebody, who knows! Anyway, I've tried everything for herpes simplex infection. Abreva only takes yous so far. Information technology doesn't prevent cold sores, it merely helps them heal quicker. Plus, it is expensive for that little tube! I'm hither to tell y'all that you need to go to the shop and purchase a bottle of L-lysine! I take ane pill every morning time. I take not had a unmarried cold sore in the 4 years I have taken lysine! I used to go them at least twice a yr! I could not rave more well-nigh this vitamin. Like all of you, I've been embarrassed and fifty-fifty ridiculed for common cold sores. I have hidden myself away and accept missed special events because of canker. I feel like L-lysine has helped give me that part of my life back. Practice yourself a favor and go get a bottle.

I get them occassionally, and I will swear past Abreeva peculiarly if you attack information technology with the stuff right away, the second you feel that tingle/sensation. I'thousand practically running to the shop. I plant someone's comment on the internet about applying ice for xv minutes at a fourth dimension (the cold inhibits the virus). That was a miracle!!! The cycle of the cold sore was SOOO much quicker. 2-iii days and it was gone!!! Endeavor it out, best of luck!

Comment from: Krastol, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 06

I have had HSV1 (canker simplex virus) outbreaks since childhood. When I feel the tingle and know an outbreak is hours away, I accept lysine. This 100 per centum prevents blistering. My sister and my grandmother do the same thing.

Comment from: lisa joe, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: July 06

Finding out I have canker simplex virus and HIV wasn't easy. But as time has passed, I have slowly come up to terms with it and try to tackle it with a positive attitude. In mid-2012 I became quite sick. I adult persistent flu-like symptoms, headaches, a nagging cough and sores that wouldn't heal. My skin felt as if it was crawling, my legs ached, I felt nauseous and lost weight. And so burnout striking. It is an indescribable tiredness.

Comment from: Jeeves, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: October 29

I began getting common cold sores when I was 11. Centre schoolhouse was not fun for me. I have had upwards to 4 at a time on my upper lip, in my nose, beneath my nose, lower lip, below my lower lip. I get them well-nigh every three months. They start as a tingling, called-for, itching, or experience numb. Then the small blisters announced; the pare with blisters on it will die and get a painful sore, the sore scabs over and slowly heals, splitting open as I eat, smiling, etc. From blisters to heal the shortest time I have experienced is five days using Abreva, washing the expanse with soap and re-applying after meals and any chance I go. Stress, sun, caffeine, nicotine, illness, and irritation to the expanse, are all causes. Keeping the expanse dry and clean and using Abreva is the best at speeding up the process. I accept had some success with a cold compress, and relaxation / visualization exercises. A healthy nutrition and exercise as well as ii B-100 complex vitamins daily has reduced the outbreaks by half.

Annotate from: firstimer, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 23

Ok, this really bites! At 50 years of age, I had my first cold sore ever....exactly 7 days after I went to the dentist for a routine cleaning. I can't help but feel a little contaminated. At beginning, I didn't even know what I had. Unlike the popular "tingling" sensation, mine started with a dry out called-for feeling, late in the afternoon. When I went to bed, I had a tiny bump in my top lip, so I idea maybe I had cutting it on a straw. The next forenoon I got upwardly to an awful site and it was and so painful! My top lip looked like I had been stung or bitten by something. I still wasn't sure what was going on. It wasn't until the 3rd mean solar day, that I could see the little blisters forming and decided it was in fact, a cold sore. I did go to the medico and he prescribed Zovirax. I've been using it for ii days at present and I'chiliad not really impressed with the results so far. My advise to anyone experiencing anything for the commencement time, like I take described, is to seek immediate medical attending (especially if you had a recent visit to the dentist). Y'all might salvage yourself days of pain and embarrassment.

Comment from: Mags, 45-54 Female Published: September 11

I was in my mid twenties when I first felt an itchy spot in the middle of my chin. I had no thought information technology would plough into a big ugly sore. Since and then, I have been getting these things on and off for 25 years. They're ever on my bottom lip or chin or both. At that place are 2 chief causes. One is the sun, which is just fabulous when you lot are on vacation. The other ane is stress, which is just what you need when you lot are starting a new chore. I notice that I feel a bit run downwardly at the fourth dimension they occur. If I tin can zap it with Zovirax as before long every bit I feel that offset footling itch, then I tin can normally contain the severity of the set on.

Comment from: Smith, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: March 27

My lesser lip gets so dry out underneath. It stings as though cold sores are going to appear, only they don't.

Annotate from: 1969, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: December 08

I would like to share my story, and whatsoever insight would be appreciated. I had herpes test in November, tested positive for having ane, just not HSV (canker simplex virus) 2. My index was 2.fifty. I read that betwixt 1.ane and 3.5 is faux positive, and over three.50 is definitely positive. I have never had an outbreak. I was tested in 2014 and both were negative. Inside 2 years I tested positive for one. I am so confused. I have read everything I tin can and tin't get any definite answers. The dr. just accepted the test as positive because that'south what information technology concluded.

Comment from: Sharon, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: Apr 09

I only become a cold sore in one case every couple of years. I accept my chief Dr. prescribe me Valtrex (I become the now available generic brand) so I can become several prescriptions a yr to keep on hand. I get very ill from common cold sores. I get fever, chills, and large knots under my chin, and jaw area. I also take an antibiotic with a cold sore. If I didn't have the Valtrex, my cold sore would take up almost fifty% of my lip. I get influenza similar symptoms with them. Only I but get them once every two to 3 years, just it's always very bad, and make me sick.

Annotate from: sak6769, xiii-xviii Female (Caregiver) Published: November 04

My son gets cold sores every year during this season. We plant Abreva to relieve the pain and it keeps it from getting worse and decreases the healing time greatly. A bang-up product.

Comment from: 25-34 Published: November 04

I have had common cold sores since I was xiv years onetime, despite not knowing what it actually was, even after seeing a doctor. During college I was actually told I had cold sores by a doc and given Valtrex which is AMAZING! I don't have information technology daily but when taken at the first sign of the tingle will substantially decrease the severity of the common cold sore and shorten healing time fashion meliorate than even Abreva. Information technology's easy to ask the doctor despite its advertisement as treatment for genital herpes. No side effects and it is well known as a treatment for cold sores. I proceed it on me all the times and take it someday I am worried about and outbreak and I haven't had one in a year. I swear it's the all-time treatment, likewise all the topical things to relieve discomfort. Information technology is a fiddling embarrassing since everyone knows what this drug treats, only not as embarrassing as the crash-land! Like most people I get them from lord's day, stress and severe affliction, but I experience I have common cold sores really nether command now.

Comment from: (Patient) Published: October 29

Ouch! Right at present I have the worst instance of cold sores that I accept had in my life. They are covering 75% of my lips. I accept been unable to show my face at work for the last iv days - it is and then bad and embarrassing. (Thankfully my dominate is understanding and I am able to work from home this week) I don't know what to exercise for information technology except sleep a lot, take 50-Lysine pills (I retrieve they piece of work), and apply Abreva. Sometimes they come up upwardly from stress, lack of sleep - simply this time it started with chapped lips. BAM! Sometimes they come up on so fast it is unbelievable. Grrr.

Comment from: 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 22

Tea Tree Oil. I've been getting them for 35 Years, since I was 4. I've tried a lot and the best thing for me is tea tree oil. The blisters are non getting as big and painful and heal quicker. Sometimes it goes away fifty-fifty before becoming a cicatrice. I've told other sufferers and they agreed.

Annotate from: Trouble40, 45-54 Female Published: October 21

I have been getting cold sores since college. About xxx years. Lately they accept been showing upward later I have had severely chapped lips. This tin can be from whatever. The last bout was later on a large, fun party. I likewise drank pop out of a tin which seems to trigger them. They pop up whenever, only ordinarily with chapped lips for me. Not necessarily sun-related, but from any. I have used Carmex, with limited success, normally to just keep things moist. I take also used regular white toothpaste at night (Colgate/Crest), which seems to assist dry them up faster. I think volition try the water ice trick. Yes, they are ugly and painful. Wish there was a cure.

Annotate from: cyndiep40, 35-44 Female Published: October 20

I have been having common cold sores for as long equally I can think. I am 44 years old and for some reason it seems to be getting worse. I went from two to three times a year until most every other month, usually effectually my cycle. Abreva seems to clear them up in three to iv days. I never heard of anyone getting the cold sores from me. I have been married for 25 years.

Annotate from: ps, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: October 19

Up until 2002 I never had a cold sore...In 2002 I underwent chemo for cancer..after that, I get them..i every once in a while, when I was sick..but since nine/15/09 till this date, I have had 5 different attacks.

Comment from: 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: October 19

I have been getting cold sores since I was a child and I think I got it from my parents. Information technology is an embarrassing upshot to accept because a) you cant hibernate it and b) the stigma behind it. Everyone but assumes it's herpes like the regular STD. I hope more people are aware that anyone can contract this and does not mean we are "dirty" or annihilation.

Annotate from: LOve101, thirteen-xviii Female (Patient) Published: Oct 16

I'm 18 years old and I take been getting fever blisters since I was a young daughter. Now the doctors seem to be no assistance! Information technology's so embarrassing and when I do get them (similar ii or iii times out of the year). I feel and so self-witting and I limit myself into going exterior. Simply thing I know that helps is....Cipher, but isolating myself from others and let it heal on its own! I've tried everything and it seems to take the same amount of time as putting anything on there! I've got one now and I simply wait and wait equally it dries up and goes away.

Comment from: Sammy, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: Oct 15

I've been getting cold sores since I was about 6 years old. I ordinarily get ane followed direct away by a second, each lasting almost a calendar week at a time. I have not yet found any decent cures for them, other than putting a compress on to try to limit the corporeality of wet getting on the sore.

Comment from: Bazza, 25-34 Female (Caregiver) Published: October 12

I take been getting cold sores for every bit long as i can recall. I am 28, I can take upwardly to 6 at a time and they hurt. I can get them when i'm stressed, run downward, out in the sun and sometimes for no apparent reason. As soon equally i feel a tingle, I know within 10 minutes I'll take blisters galore which is non a good sight. The only thing I use which I notice works well is tea tree oil, straight onto a burst blister. Information technology hurts only information technology seems to piece of work for me.

Comment from: Young Grandmother, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 07

I am 48 years onetime and got my first common cold sore two days subsequently getting a tooth pulled. I as well experience like I got it from the dentist's office. I searched the internet for clues and discovered it was a fever blister. I accept been using Campho-Phenique and Abreva. I've had the blisters for 5 days at present. It causes lots of distress, and I don't know if these products are working.

Comment from: Greg, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: October 07

I go a common cold sore nearly once every eight months to a twelvemonth. Mine are very painful and I usually go on information technology for effectually two - 2-1/2 weeks. I cannot keep information technology from bully and information technology spreads from the corner of my mouth to just under my lip. It burns and is really, actually nasty looking and Really freakin' embarrassing. The Nexcare and Carmex have ZERO consequence on this monster. I've never been to a md only after this last out suspension I tin can't take it anymore, the dr. is getting a visit!

Annotate from: livelifeontherun, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: October 07

I am nineteen at present and I noticed my first cold sore when I was virtually 16, I had shared a drink with my stride mom without fifty-fifty thinking... oh man practice I resent that potable! I unremarkably only become an out intermission twice a yr... but always in the worst possible place and fourth dimension! I believe mine comes from stress and right around my period... I use abreva and that seems to work pretty well.. I was just hoping possibly someone had miricale foam that would make it disappear in a day... maybe I volition only have to try some more out... man I experience dirty from this! ughhh....

Comment from: Ann, 45-54 Female Published: September 23

I think I have a cold sore on my lip, inside my nose (it's runny olfactory organ season), and on my eye lids. They practise not appear severe. I believe that I contracted them in the daycare center where i piece of work.

Comment from: 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: September 23

I currently have one of the worst outbreaks of cold sores I have ever had. I am 99.999% certain this outbreak has been acquired by a adequately astringent sunburn on my face and lips, no blisters but bad for my confront. While I accept had sunburns earlier on the face I protect my face as much as possible to prevent them. My lips were burnt every bit was my face later on approximately 7 hours in the sun. I use Carmex and medicated lip blam to salve pain and keep the sores from cracking and hurting. Carmex is the easiest to employ and is the least painful for me as it gets really soft and liquidy when in contact with the skin.

Comment from: Belvita, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: September 23

I'm infected and I suffer from a common cold sore for days. This time, I have been under stress at piece of work and I've been exposed to the sun during a trip terminal week. It is so painful, I'm actually using Zovirax and I'one thousand still waiting to recover.

Comment from: little blood-red caput, 13-18 Female (Patient) Published: September xvi

I am 18 and this is the starting time fourth dimension I have ever had a cold sore. It hurts and then bad, it is on my top lip RIGHT in the heart. I was out in the sun all day yesterday and then today I woke up with this lovely beast on my face. I immediately put Abreva on it at present I just have to await to see how well this works.

Comment from: Jackie, nineteen-24 Female person (Patient) Published: Nov 06

I am 24 and have gotten common cold sores since i was a little girl. My female parent gave it to my sister and me. Since I have had them for then long I have used many things to fight them. I found a combo of all of them works all-time. The ice helps to stop the growth and tea-tree oil to dry out information technology out which makes it scab and go away faster. One time the blister is filled in, hot black tea bags used the same as ice and Zovirax from my medico and vitamins b-12/c/and Zinc. With all of these together, mine last about 4 days. Information technology's a lot but I would rather do all this and then stay inside for 2 weeks.

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